Helping you register an Historic Vehicle with the DVLA

The dating officer of the VMCC, in conjunction with researchers, machine examiners and expert knowledge of other specialists, will conduct a search based on the information provided by the applicant to establish the date of manufacture of a vehicle. There are three ways we can help you to register a historic vehicle with the DVLA. Please see this flow chart to show the different ways to register historic vehicles.

Flow chart

Please make sure you read through all the information below, if you have any queries please contact the Library at

Click here to download a V112 Exemption from MOT form

Click here to download a NOVA 1 form for notifying HMRC of vehicle arrival

Click here to download a V62 form for applying for a new V5C

1.Reclaim an original registration number, you must supply pre 1983 documentary evidence linking the frame and engine number (please see page 2 of the V765 form explaining what evidence the DVLA will accept). Please see our A1 form for more information.

A1 Original Registration Form and Instructions

V765 Form

DVLA V55/5

2.If you have a completely original motorcycle that has been repaired or restored and you need an age related registration number, we can provide a statement of search certificate. The motorcycle must consist of the original unaltered frame, engine, gearbox, wheels/hubs and forks. DVLA will allow a change of engine only. Please see the A2 form for more information.

A2 Form

3. If you have built a motorcycle using parts from more than one motorcycle, the vehicle should be registered as a reconstructed classic, all parts must be 25 years and older, all of the same specification, the vehicle must be a true reflection of the make. Your vehicle will be issued with a new VIN number, the year of manufacture will be based on the latest datable component. Please see the A3 form for more information. Please see DVLA INF26 leaflet explain how to register kit cars and rebuilt or radically altered vehicles. If you have built your motorcycle using a mixture of new and used components, you will be issued a Q registration number. The vehicle must have a MSVA please see the DVLA website for more information.

You can use a Registration document from any country within the EU as Dating evidence. The document must confirm the make, date of registration/year of manufacturer and the frame number. You need to follow the DVLA instructions to register a new vehicle. Go to the DVLA website for more information

If the manufacturer still exists you must apply to the manufacturer for a dating letter first, if they can’t help then apply to an owners club.

If your vehicle has been manufactured outside the UK or originally despatched outside the UK, you need to apply to HMRC for a Notification of vehicle arrival letter.

If you want to change a year of manufacture on a vehicle already registered with the DVLA, you need to supply the DVLA with an extract from the manufacturers records or Glasses Motor Cycle check book, please contact the library for more information.

For more information you Contact the DVLA on 0300 7906802.


Contact Us

Opening Hours:

VMCC Allen House

The Vintage Motor Cycle Club

Allen House
Wetmore Road
Burton Upon Trent
Staffordshire DE14 1TR, UK

Phone: +44 (0)1283 495100

Membership +44 (0) 1283 495100

Shop Phone: +44 (0)1283 495101

Library Phone: +44 (0)1283 495111

VMCC Motorcycle Insurance: +44(0)121 274 5355


Monday - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Wednesday - 11:00am - 5:00pm

Thursday - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Friday - 9:00am - 3:00pm

Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED

Library: Maddie Matei

DVLA: Peter Bennett

Editor/Small Ads/Advertising: Peter Henshaw

Accounts/Direct Debits: Beverley Rushworth

Retail/Transfers: Terry Woods
